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Cut Spend, Hit Production
Targets With Automated
Labor Demand Forecasting

Accurately forecast labor needs and better utilize your
workforce using data and automation that’s built for supply chain operations

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Make labor planning your
competitive advantage

Jetson helps you build your entire labor force more efficiently by automating all the jobs to be done within labor planning 

Forecast labor needs and overtime with precision

No matter how complex your operation, get an accurate picture of how many workers you need to meet plan

Staffing needs automatically update with your sales targets and other demand drivers

Jetson synthesizes your HR and production data to generate a precise labor forecast and makes it easy to track actuals  

Make smarter overtime decisions. Cut spend.

Prioritize workers who have worked the least hours for overtime coverage by keeping track of hours worked versus scheduled 

Share labor across departments.
Improve utilization.

Identify and unlock labor sharing opportunities across departments, shifts, and job types

Integrates with your
existing systems 

Connects HR, Production, and Finance data wherever it resides

Keep teams aligned and working
off a unified view of your labor force

Track actual versus forecasted staffing levels, labor hours, and spend in one place and get rid of spreadsheets and separate systems

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